St. Stephen UCC
Genealogical DataThe following records from this congregation are available: Confirmations from 1897 to 1934 StLGS is following state guidelines for privacy wherever possible. Births/baptisms online must be at least one hundred years old; confirmations eighty-six years old; marriages forty-five years old; and deaths fifty years old. Additional indexed data from these records is available; please come to the StLGS office to view it. As privacy limits permit, society volunteers will post additional data online. HistoryEstablished in 1896, closed in 2011 Like so many German Protestant churches, St. Stephen began as an Evangelical church. The congregation first met in Seaver’s Hall at 8102 North Broadway before building a church at Gimblin and Halls Ferry Road in St. Louis City. They stayed in that location until the construction of a new building at Halls Ferry and McClaren Streets, by which time the name had changed to St. Stephen United Church of Christ. The congregation closed the church in 2011. Location 1896–1938: Halls Ferry and Gimblin, St. Louis, Missouri 63147 GPS (Latitude, Longitude): 38.7139374, -90.234032 View Map Location 1938–2011: 8500 Halls Ferry Road., St. Louis, Missouri 63147 GPS (Latitude, Longitude): 38.7153248, -90.2359519 View Map
Last Modified:
29-Sep-2020 10:06