Part of the mission of the society is to offer community services related to family history research. To fulfill this part of our mission, the society offers the following services.
First Families
First Families of St. Louis is a lineage society whose objectives are to identify, recognize, and archive the lineage of historical St. Louis families. Members of StLGS may preserve their family heritage through application to the Society to become members of First Families.
Maps and Photos
St. Louis Genealogical Society (StLGS) offers an increasing range of services and products related to maps and photos. It sells books and CDs and has map and photography services available to both members and the general public.
Office Volunteer Assistance
Visitors to the society’s office may request assistance with their family history research questions from our office volunteers. Among these volunteers is a great deal of expertise which we are happy to share with visitors to the office.
Researchers for Hire
As a service to those who may wish to contract with experienced genealogical researchers to assist with their family history research, the Society maintains a list of researchers for hire.
Last modified:
29-Aug-2017 13:19