Clergy By Name
Some genealogical records contain the name of clergy who officiated at a birth, marriage, or funeral. However, in some cases, the identity of the religious facility is unknown.
The St. Louis Genealogical Society is trying to gather the names of all clergy members from the community. Researchers can search by the surname of the clergy or by the religious denomination and then by church.
This list of St. Louis clergy may help you identify your ancestor’s church. Some church records are available on microfilm at St. Louis County Library. St. Louis Genealogical Society is filming additional church records as they become available.
If a marriage record indicates the official was a Justice of the Peace or JP who performed civil ceremonies, those names are not included in this list. The Marriage Introduction page on this website provides examples of St. Louis marriage records from various years and both civil and church records.
This list expanded thanks to contributions from several sources, including the family of Russell Welch, St. Louis County Library staff, and St. Louis City Hall Archives staff. You too may contribute information to add to this list. Please provide a documented list, such as a list from a church or church history.
To find your information, either page thru the entries or use the search in the top menu to select the clergy you are looking for.

Last Modified: 14-Sep-2023 09:59