The post office and postal workers play an important part in every community. Was your ancestor an early postmaster or a more “modern” mail carrier?

By 1818, two years before Missouri became a state, the small town of St. Louis had a post office. From that time forward, postal workers had a presence in St. Louis. Because they have always been a part of the federal government, records of early postmasters, histories of early post offices, and many other important bits of post office history are held at the National Archives and/or the National Military Personnel Center. To find out what is available and where it is located, go to National Archives website for Post Office Records. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page for a bibliography that includes records from individual states.

The U.S. Postal Service website has more about their history. On the left-hand side of the page, you will find a set of links that will take you to a comprehensive look at the history of moving our mail.

In addition, various publications contain lists of early postal workers. This information may provide further information on your ancestor. Background information on the employment and life events of our ancestors is as important as dates of vital events.

Other sites with Post Office information

National Archives Post Office Records

USPS – Postal History


Toft, Carolyn Hewes. The Saint Louis Old Post Office: A History and Architectural Guide to the Building and its Neighborhood. St. Louis: Landmarks Association of St. Louis, 1979.

Weese, Harry, & Associates, et al. St. Louis Custom House & Post Office, St. Louis, Missouri: Historic Structures Report. Kansas City, Missouri: General Services Administration, 1979.

Last modified: 30-Jun-2016 18:26