Emmaus UCC
Genealogical DataThe following indexes and records from this congregation are available: Confirmations from 1897 to 1932 StLGS is following state guidelines for privacy wherever possible. Births/baptisms online must be at least one hundred years old; confirmations eighty-six years old; marriages forty-five years old; and deaths fifty years old. Additional indexed data from these records is available; please come to the StLGS office to view it. As privacy limits permit, society volunteers will post additional data online. History |
Established in 1896; closed in 1976 The congregation, serving the German community on the near south side of St. Louis, was founded in 1896. They met at 4214 Manchester Avenue for a year until their church was completed. During construction of Interstate 64/Highway 40, the neighborhood was torn apart and many members of the congregation were forced to move. However, the church continued to use the site until 1976, when the congregation sold the building to Emmaus Baptist Church. Location 1897–1976: 4341 Chouteau Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63110 |
Last Modified:
11-Jan-2022 13:41