Compton Hill Congregational Church (UCC)
Genealogical DataThe following records from this congregation are available: Deaths from 1881–1900, 1932–1936, 1948–1956 Marriages from 1881–1895, 1947–1955 StLGS is following state guidelines for privacy wherever possible. Births/baptisms online must be at least one hundred years old; marriages forty-five years old; and deaths fifty years old. Additional indexed data from these records is available; please come to the StLGS office to view it. As privacy limits permit, society volunteers will post additional data online. History |
Established in 1894; closed in 1955 In 1881, a group of Evangelical Protestants from the Pilgrim Congregational Church organized a new mission known as the Fifth Congregational Church. They acquired the former High Street Presbyterian Church at 23rd and Clark Avenue. People often referred to the mission as the Twenty-Third Street or High Street Mission. The congregation purchased a new site at Compton and Lafayette Avenues in 1886. After they moved, they renamed their church the Compton Hill Congregational Church to identify with their new neighborhood. The congregation sold their church to the Church of St. Louis and merged with the Mount Hope Evangelical Church at 3661 DeTonty Street in 1955 to become the Mount Hope Church. They merged again with St. Luke’s United Church of Christ at 2336 Tennessee Street in 1962. Location 1881–1888: High Street (23rd) and Clark Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri (This location no longer exists; it is currently in a business district just east of Jefferson Avenue and west of 22nd Street.) GPS (Latitude, Longitude): 38.6284647,-90.2145527 View Map Location 1888–1955: 1640 S. Compton Avenue (at Lafayette), St. Louis, Missouri 63104 GPS (Latitude, Longitude): 38.6167184,-90.2342409 View Map |
Cemetery Information
This congregation had a cemetery called Compton Hill Congregational Cemetery, which was located at Lafayette and Compton in the 1880s. The cemetery is gone and presumably bodies were moved from that location, as nothing is there now. As far as we know, there are no existing records for that cemetery.
Last Modified: 03-Jan-2023 09:53