Lutheran Churches Map Old
This Google map below reflects St. Louis in 2022. Each location from the list of Lutheran churches has been plotted on this map. If you just hover your mouse pointer on an icon on the map, you will see the name of the congregation. Click on the icon to go to the congregation page. For more help using the map, visit Map Help below.
Map Help
- In order to see the congregation icons, you will need to zoom into the map.
- Do so by using the scroll wheel on your mouse.
- Alternatively, you can click on the plus/minus icons on the bottom right of the map.
- Clicking the little broken square in the upper right of the map enters full screen, which will also enlarge the map.
- Once the icons are clearly visible, if you click on a specific icon, you will see the name and address of the congregation at that location.
- Click on the name link to go to the page on our website for that congregation.
- To exit the full screen, just press the Escape (ESC) key on the upper far left of your keyboard.
Last modified: 12-Mar-2024 11:50