1821 City Street and Major Building Directory
The first St. Louis city directory was published the same year Missouri became a state. St. Louis was a very important and large part of the new state. This directory provides the names and addresses of the residents and their businesses.
1821 St. Louis City Directory – List of Streets, etc.
Baptist Church, sw. corner Market and Third |
Bastian, The, north of Bennet’s hotel |
Cathedral, Roman Church, sw. corner Church and Market |
Clerks offices, for the various Courts, near the Public Square |
Constables’ office, north Fourth, above C. street |
Court Rooms, near the Public Square |
Episcopal Church, south Church, below south A street |
Green-Tree Inn, 85 south Church |
Indian Council Chamber, or Museum of Indian curiosities belonging to Governor Clark, 101 north Main |
Jones’ Row, ns. of Market st., above Third |
Land office, U. States, west of and near to Bennet’s hotel |
Mansion House, Bennet’s, ne. corner of north Third and E streets |
Market House, ss. of Market street, near the river |
Market street, runs west from the river, between north and south A. streets–It is the line which divides the northern part of town from the southern. |
Masonic Hall, in which the Grand Chapter and Master’s Lodges are held;, north side south B. street, above Main |
Methodist Meeting, sw. corner south Third and s. D. sts. |
Missouri Bank, No. 6 north Main st. |
Missouri Hotel, sw. cor. north Main and north H. sts. |
Mound Public Garden, The, a pleasant retreat kept by Mr. Gray, near the Indian Mound |
North A. street, runs west from north Water street, between Market and north B sts. |
North B. st., runs west from north Water st., between north A. and C. sts. |
North C. street, runs west from north Water st., between north B. and D. sts. |
North Church st., runs north from Market st., between Main and Third sts. |
North D. st., runs west from Water st., between north C. and E. sts. |
North E. st., runs west from north Water st., between north D. and F. sts. |
North F. st., runs west from north Water st., between north E. and G. sts. |
North Fifth st., runs north from Market st., between north Main and north Third sts. |
North Fourth st., runs north from Market st., between north Third and Fifth sts. |
North G. st., runs west from north Water st., between north E. and H. sts. |
North H. st., runs west from north Water st., between north G. and I. sts. |
North I. st., runs west from north water st., between north H. and J. sts. |
North J. st., runs west from north Water st., between north J. and K. sts. |
North K. st., runs west from north Water st., north of J. street |
North Main st., runs north from Market st., between north Water and Church sts. |
North Seventh st., runs north from Market st., west of north Sixth st. |
North Sixth st., runs north from Market st., between north Fifth and Seventh sts. |
North Third st., runs north from Market st., between north Church and Fourth sts. |
North Water st., runs north from Market st., along the river |
Ox Mill, The, upper end of North Main st. |
Post Office, north A. street, above north Main st. |
Presbyterian Meeting, is held in the Circiut Court Room |
Prison, The, east side north Sixth st., above Market st. |
Register’s office, for the Corporation, south B. st., above Main. |
Sheriff’s office, in the Prison |
South A. st., runs west from the river, between Market and south B. sts. |
South B. st., runs west from the river, between south A. and C. streets |
South C. st., runs west from the river, between south B. and D. sts. |
South D. st., runs west from the river between south C. and E. sts. |
South E. st., runs west from the river, between south D. and F. sts. |
South F. st., runs west from the river, between south E. and G. sts. |
South G. st., runs west from the river, between south F. and H. sts. |
South H. street,, runs west from the river, between G. and I. streets |
South I. st., runs from the river, bet H. and J. sts. |
South J. st., runs w. from the river, bet. I. and K. sts. |
South K. st., runs w. from the rivr, bet. J. street and Mill Creek |
Steam-boat Landing, above the Team-boat Landing |
St. Louis College, south Church st., below Market st. |
St. Louis Hospital, No. 84 south Church st. |
Team-boat Landing and Ferry, at the bottom of north H. street. |
Theatre, The, 72 north Main st. |
Last modified: 04-Jul-2016 12:07