St. Louis Letter Carriers, 1905
Letter carriers are a vital part of our daily life. This list provides the names of the St. Louis letter carriers in 1905. The list provides the names of the carriers and his place of birth.
This information was part of the publication, Official Register of the United States, Containing a list of the Officers and Employees in the Civil, Military, and Naval Services together with a list of vessels belonging to the United States, July 1, 1905; volume.2, the Post Office Department and Postal Service, compiled by the Chief Clerk of the Department of the Interior, pages 857–863.
Nancy Pope and Robert Doerr transcribed and contributed this information for publication in the 1999 St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly, volume 32, number 3, pages 90–95.
St. Louis, Missouri, Letter Carriers, 1905
Last modified: 05-Jul-2016 23:23