(LCMS—Lutheran Church Missouri Synod)

Genealogical Data

The following records from this congregation are available:

Marriages from 1946 to 1976

Deaths from 1948 to 1971

StLGS is following state guidelines for privacy wherever possible. Births/baptisms online must be at least one hundred years old; confirmations eighty-six years old; marriages forty-five years old; and deaths fifty years old. Additional data from these records is available; please come to the StLGS office to view it. As privacy limits permit, society volunteers will post additional data online.


Established in 1946; still active

Village Lutheran Church
Photo 9237 Clayton Road, Ladue
Photo © 2011 Donald A. Wallace
(Used with permission)

After surveying families in the Ladue area and finding the need for a Lutheran church, a group held their first service in the spring of 1946 at the Community School, a bit east of the site of the present church. A month later, they organized as the Village Lutheran Church with their first pastor, Rev. Karl Meyer, who was newly graduated from the seminary.

The congregation continued to use Community School and then moved to Wright School, further west of the present site while working on constructing their own building, which was dedicated on Sunday, 20 November 1949. Pastor Meyer moved to Kansas before the church was completed and his replacement, Rev. Paul Boecler, became the new pastor, serving for almost twenty years.

During the 1950s, they added onto the church, with a parsonage and a Youth House, and a new sanctuary was built in 1968. The church continues to be a fixture in the community to the present time.

Address: 9237 Clayton Road, Ladue, Missouri 63124

Telephone: 314-993-1834

Website: https://www.villagelutheranchurch.org/

GPS (Latitude, Longitude): 38.641754, -90.368459   View Map


Last Modified: 18-Jan-2022 11:24