Edmund Joseph Herold Sr., 1883–1923
Edmund Joseph Herold was the son of Ferdinand August Herold and Frances Anna “Fannie” Seip of Cincinnati, Ohio. He was born on 6 April 1883 in Cincinnati, Ohio, and baptized at St. Boniface Church on 8 April 1883. Edmund had an older sister, Helen Catherine, a twin brother, Adolph George, and a younger brother, Arthur Herman Oscar. Edmund’s parents divorced in 1897 (a rather colorful story in the Cincinnati newspaper). By 1901, Edmund was a resident of Richmond Heights in St Louis County, Missouri, working as a clerk for Simmons Hardware. Edmund married Theodore William Weber’s daughter, Lillian Anne Weber on 1 October 1904. Their first child was born 29 June 1906. He was named Theodore Ferdinand after his grandfathers but was called “Teddy.” In the summer of 1907, Dr. Sappington, a nearby neighbor, was summoned but he could not help the baby. Teddy died on 11 July 1907. Edmund and Lillian moved to the Cincinnati area for about a year to mourn their loss. After they moved back to St. Louis County, their son Edmund Joseph Herold Jr. was born on 19 June 1908. Two daughters arrived, Bertel Antonette in 1913 and Georgette Lillian in 1916. Bert never married. Georgie married twice, but she did not have children. Edmund Joseph Herold Jr. married and left descendants. In 1917, Edmund and Lillian built a two-story stucco building at 8318 Manchester; however, the building was torn down in 2015. This couple operated a grocery store at the front, living at the back on the first floor. They rented out two upstairs apartments. Edmund Herold Sr. was an involved and influential citizen. He, along with others, opposed Maplewood annexing Brentwood. He was also instrumental in launching the Brentwood School District. On 9 December 1923, Edmund was in the living room behind their grocery store, tuning his radio set and awaiting dinner. The bell on the grocery store door jingled, alerting the family that a customer had entered the store. Lillian went to check. The man requested a box of matches. Edmund then entered the store. Displaying a revolver, the man asked Edmund to throw up his arms and Lillian to withdraw money from the register. After being given about $20, the man had Edmund come from behind the counter and turn his back. The man made a move, and Edmund, thinking the man was leaving, hollered for his hired hand. With that, the robber fired at Edmund and fled the store. Edmund died in his wife’s arms. The story was published in several newspapers. The Brentwood community raised $1000 for the arrest of the robber/murderer, but he was never apprehended. Edmund Joseph Herold Sr.’s death certificate lists Valhalla Cemetery as his resting place, but he was reinterred at Oak Hill Cemetery in Kirkwood, St Louis County. Lillian Anne (Weber) Herold never remarried. She raised her three children and died in 1976. She is also interred at Oak Hill Cemetery. Written by Kathleen Sullivan Ziha © 2019 St. Louis Genealogical Society
![]() Edmund and Lillian (Weber) Herold with son Edmund Jr., 1909 Photo in the collection of Kathleen Sullivan Ziha Used with permission ![]() Herold Store Photo in the collection of Kathleen Sullivan Ziha Used with permission |
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