Parkin Family Charts
The late genealogist, Robert Parkin, created a series of 112 large family history charts. The charts contain information on a random assortment of families, mostly from the northeast, and pulled from sources that Mr. Parkin used as he researched St. Louis people.
The information found on the charts is not consistent. Some have whole families, some just individuals, and some extend for generations.
Searching the Charts
For the past few years, volunteers at StLGS, headed by Ken Webb, have been indexing the charts. There are almost 29,000 names in the index, and when you do a search on the charts, you will find all of the pages on which a name appears.
Your search result will have a horizontal number (across the top) and a vertical (down the side) to help you find the person’s name on each very large chart.
To see a sample chart, you can click here. Duncan Chart. Note that Shadrack Duncan is at 12 across and 21 down. (You will want to use the magnifying glass on your screen to enlarge the image enough to be able to read it and use your scroll bars to navigate up, down, and across.)
Ready to do your own search? Click here to go to the Parkin Chart Search Page.
Last modified: 03-Jan-2023 11:25