Quarantine Hospital Patients, Epidemic of 1879
The 1879–1880 annual report of the City of St. Louis Health Commissioner provides information on patients admitted to Quarantine Hospital due to the 1879 epidemic.
Personal information including the name of the patient, his place of birth, and age are included in the list. It also provides the type of disease, such as yellow fever; date of admission and discharge, and a remarks column. This record could include information on residents and travelers passing through the area.
Dennis Northcott, Reference Archivists at Missouri Historical Society submitted this information 1999 St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly, volume 32, number 4, pages 146–148.
Patients Admitted to Quarantine Hospital – Epidemic of 1879
Note: Race = (W)hite or (C)olored
Last modified: 06-Jul-2016 10:59