Divorces Reported in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat
Divorces were filed in the Circuit Court and reported in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The data includes the date of the divorce filing, the name of parties, and occasionally the settlement. Three sets of these are combined on this site – divorces covering the full years of 1880 and 1883 and a few from 1890.
Audrey Flavin transcribed and contributed the data starting in the 1994 St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly, volume 27, number 4, pages 117–118. Articles appeared in subsequent issues.
Virginia Guinther transcribed and contributed the data starting in the 1998 St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly, volume 31, number 1, pages 14–17. Articles appeared in subsequent issues. And also in the 2003 St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly, volume 36, number 4, page 112.
Last modified: 05-Jul-2016 23:42