Bonhomme Members and Vital Records, 1838–1890
The members of this church were from Bonhomme Township in St. Louis County. Some of the early family members were Conway, Mason, Baxter, and Woods. Roads in the area reflect these names.
The associated pages contain the name of the member, the date of the event, and the name of the event. The events included new church memberships and dismissals from 1842 through 1890, and some vital events, including a separate list of births and baptisms from 1838 through 1890, marriages from unknown dates, and deaths from 1857 through 1861.
St. Louis Genealogical Society volunteer Mrs. Alfred H. Kerth Jr. transcribed this data from microfilm records at the Missouri Historical Society. Additional information about the early families is included as is the Bonhomme Cemetery and two family cemeteries.
This information was published in the 1979 St. Louis Genealogical Society Quarterly, volume 12, number 2, pages 43–49.
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Last modified: 13-Sep-2018 16:34