StLGS Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

From time to time, members of the St. Louis Genealogical Society, who share a common research interest, have established a Special Interest Group (SIG).  Each group has a leader, an active member of the society, who reports group activities to the vice-president-programs.

These groups have a long history with the society. The first such group was rather informal. Called the “Kentucky Club,” its members (who shared a common interest in learning more about how to research their Kentucky ancestors) met for fourteen years from 1972 to 1986. In the mid-1980s and again from 1996 to 2005 the society hosted a Computer Interest Group.

Current Special Interest Groups

St. Louis Genealogical Society sponsors three active Special Interest Groups (SIGs): German, Irish, and Jewish. In addition, the society occasionally hosts special programs throughout the year that focus on other ethnic groups. Click on the links below to visit the SIG pages for more information about the current year’s schedule, and check the calendar on our home page for updates.

StLGS German SIG


StLGS Jewish SIG


To Create a Special Interest Group

The society’s Board of Directors must authorize the formation of any Special Interest Group. Any member in good standing of the society may present a proposal to the board to create a Special Interest Group. This presentation should outline the objectives of the group and should demonstrate that there is sufficient interest within the membership of the society to justify its creation.
Last modified: 23-Feb-2021 09:39